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23 February  2023 – The Advent of DORA: What changes will the next 24 months bring?

24 November 2022 – Building Pan-European Instant Payments

9 June 2022 – A Single Market for Data: How does Open Finance fit?

Introduction and Keynote chat

Keynote chat: The European Commission strategic vision for a data driven financial sector

EBF Digital Thursdays 2022: Open Finance: A framework for data driven innovation in the financial sector?

EBF Digital Thursdays 2022: The Data Act – realizing opportunities, addressing challenges

28 October 2021 – Cyber resilience in Banking

Opening Remarks & Keynote Presentation

Panel: Boosting digital operational resilience in the financial sector – Is DORA getting it right? 

Fireside Chat: Joining forces for better cybersecurity

4 November 2021 – Competing in digital finance

Opening Remarks & Keynote Presentation

Panel: New players – new rules? Updating Europe’s financial framework

Interview: Consumer data right and unlocking new opportunities – the Australian case

Fireside chat: Towards an EU Open Finance Framework: necessary building blocks and potential challenges

Fireside chat: A new Digital ID framework for Europe: opportunities and challenges for the financial sector

18 November 2021 – From Payments to CBDCs

Opening Remarks & Keynote Presentation

Panel: CBDCs – A sprint or a marathon?

Panel: Outlook for European payments

DIGITAL THURSDAYS 2020 / 24 June: Close-up: A Digital Euro​

The Digital Thursdays 2021: Close-up on Digital Euro tried to investigate what a digital euro could look like, what could be its features and how it could be best designed to benefit European businesses and citizens. Discussions also focused on the role that banks can play in a digital euro ecosystem and how they would participate in the design phase. Speakers included: Ana Botín, President, EBF and Group Executive Chairman, Banco Santander Fabio Panetta, Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank

DIGITAL THURSDAYS 2020 / 22 October: Cyber security & Resilience: The basis of it all in digital innovation

The first day of EBF’s Digital Thursdays 2020 was devoted to cyber security and resilience. Taking place during the European Cyber Security Month and building upon the previous annual editions of the EBF Cybersecurity Conference, this event explored the rapidly evolving cyber trends and challenges for banks. Speakers included: Pentti Hakkarainen, Member of the Supervisory Board, European Central Bank Mattias Levin, Deputy Head of Unit, DG FISMA, European Commission Wiebe Ruttenberg, Program Director Cyber Resilience Strategy, European Central Bank

DIGITAL THURSDAYS 2020 / 29 October: European data economy & Open finance: What does it all mean?

The second day of EBF’s Digital Thursdays 2020 was dedicated to the European Data Economy and Open Finance. The discussions focused on the role policymakers and stakeholders can play to increase data sharing in Europe, particularly across sectors. Particular emphasis was paid to the challenges and opportunities an EU open finance framework could bring for firms and consumers, and to the possible foundation for such a framework. Speakers included: Christian Reimsbach-Kounatze, Information Economist/Policy Analyst Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry (STI), OECD Luc Barnaud, Chief Digital and Technology Officer, Natixis